Thursday, 31 May 2012

2012 - Revolution Has Begun

1 comment:

  1. 2 problems. 1 - since absolute truth can be known, and since there cannot be 2 conflicting truths, there cannot then be 2 true theistic religions. Since the new testament is true and reliable, then what Jesus said must be true - and clearly the truth revealed by God through the writers of the NT does not agree on all points with what is taught in Buddhism, Islam or Hinduism, then they cannot also be true. It is not logically possible. Thus, although love is truly the answer, there cannot be any true believers in Christ who will say that their faith is the same as that of any other religion.
    2. Since there will always be those who freely choose to worship the devil (until Jesus returns) there can not be peace (until Jesus returns).

    So, although it is an excellent goal to have peace, one must remember that behind peace is true love and behind true love is the one true God and He is Jesus. It can be shown by the evidence and testimony beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus is God and what He said is truth.

